Recently I was reading an article that said, “the lesser organised you are, the more efficient worker you are”, and I started wondering. How can one become efficient when everything around that individual is in utter chaos? Since i am an astute believer of experiencing/doing things on my own before offering an opinions and viewpoints, i decided to revisit my work days and dig through how organised or unorganised I used to be and its impact on my efficiency.
At workplace I have this habit of doing anything and everything. So, if the work demands me to create as well as do market feasibility blueprint simultaneously, I won’t shy away from the assigned responsibilities. Though this being a good quality, it also leads to bombardment of more work than you can actually handle. An old saying but true, “When you have too much on your plate, you just don’t know what to do when”. This has happened with me all the time. It is thus important to plan and prioritise your to-dos.
Here are some organising help techniques that i recently stumbled upon and have found them very useful ( I have adapted the suggested technique to fit the requirements of this article per say.These narrow down filtering technique done using Why-What-How-When, can help you in getting organised as well as systematise the work flow both offline and online.
Begin by listing down all your to-dos and write down your goals for each action (short-intermediate-long).While you are doing this critical task, keep asking yourself the following, "why are you doing whatever it is you do?". Doing this will help you in deciding the priority of each thing so they don’t ALL feel important.
What do you do for each item. For instance,I am an aspiring entrepreneur, meaning I have an idea and plan to set up my own business. Having an idea is just not enough and this is where the 'what I do' comes into picture. To translate my idea into a valuable business preposition or venture, I must begin by researching the said domain. So, I might develop a mini market research template, reach out to people who can provide valuable insights, read research reports, develop plan of action and much more.
How do you perform the action? Computer?Call?Email?Networking?Social Networking?Presentations etc.
Each task that you would have listed as part of your TO-DO seems important an in-fact are important. However prioritisation helps you to set allocate time to each and every tasks. So prioritisation helps you in setting time for the tasks i.e. WHEN, you can do the various enlisted tasks.
I have shared my views on how one can organise oneself. Well, how do you go about organising yourself and how it has benefited you. Do share your self organising techniques that you have been practising for a while now.
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